Webdev Workflow

Hook up your development environment

Zach Fogg


  • Good developers spend time on them
  • A good workflow equals better output
  • The best workflow could be better

Pretend like you're blackout-drunk

Relevant XKCD

Ballmer Peak


Know your tools

like the back of your hand

Know your tools

like the back of your hand

Text editor

Text editor

This is where you will spend most of time.

You should know your text editor best of all.

Text editor

Your text editor should be

  • customizable

  • extendable

  • informative

  • a ' magic wand '

Text editor

How I rank them

on a scale of ed to vi

  • Notepad.exe
    A stick

  • Notepad++
    Harry Potter's broken wand

  • Sublime Text 2
    Your standard magic wand

  • Emacs
    Merlin's wand

  • Vim
    Gandalf the White's staff, fully automatic and turbocharged

Text editor

Hands on the home row

  • Mice are good for many things
  • but not code

Text editor

Hands on the home row

Keyboard shortcuts are a GoodThing™

  • Learn them
  • Make your own

The command line

because it looks like you're 'hacking'

SSH is sweet

and super simple

  • ~/.ssh/config
  • Passwords are stupid
  • /home/zfogg/.ssh/config

  • Host gh
        HostName github.com
        User git
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  • $ git clone gh:zfogg/zfogg
    Cloning into 'zfogg'...

tmux is terrific

and your terminal is terrible

tmux is terrific

and your terminal is terrible

  • Tabs and splits
  • Sessions and SSH
  • Powerline - the ultimate statusline/prompt utility

Aliases are amazing

$ alias please="sudo"
$ touch /newfile
touch: cannot touch ‘/newfile’: Permission denied
$ please touch /newfile

$ alias ls="ls --color=auto"
# You can't avoid typos
$ alias sl="ls"

# Upgrade your `cat`! Syntax highlighting for any language
$ alias cat="pygmentize -O style=monokai -f console256 -g"

# Grab the IP addresses of a domain
$ alias ipaddr="dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com"

# Instant HTTP server in the current directory
$ alias server="python -m SimpleHTTPServer"

Zsh is . . . zee best

and Bash bites

Zsh is . . . zee best

and Bash bites

  • Navigation
  • Spelling
  • Command history
  • Argument completion
  • Prompts
  • Syntax highlighting

The shell

is full of secrets and wonders

  • $ sudo !!

  • $ z somewhere

  • $ sudo pacman -S typo-package
    $ ^typo^correct^
    $ !!:s/typo/correct

  • $ wget -O - http://placekitten.com/$[500 + RANDOM % 500]

Actual web development

CSS sucks

CSS sucks

The defaults are ridiculous

* { box-sizing: border-box }

CSS sucks

Too verbose for drunk Ballmer

#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li a { direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; font-family: "Webdings";}
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li {  height: 28px;  border: 0px; margin: 0px 5px; display: inline-block; }
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li a {width:70px;color:#98C4F0;background:none;padding: 5px 2px!important;} 
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li a:hover {color:#002B4D;} 
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li.selected a {color:#002B4D;border:none!important;} 
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li.selected a:before {content:"XD"} 
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu ul { width: 425px !important; height: 36px !important; z-index: -1 }
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li { list-style-type: none; display: inline-block !important; margin: 0px; padding: 0px }
#header-bottom-left .tabmenu li a { color: #5F4444 !important; font: normal 14px/34px "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  }

CSS sucks

The simplest concepts are unnecessarily difficult

.center-horizontal {
    margin: 0 auto;
    // :)

.center-vertical {
    margin: auto 0;
    // :(

CSS sucks



Leaner CSS and Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets


  • Variables
  • Math
  • Mixins
  • Nested rules
  • Libraries ~ Compass and Bootstrap

JavaScript sucks

JavaScript sucks


!(new Boolean(false)) === !(new Boolean(true)); // true

1 == false; // true

(function () {
        { haha: "ha!" };
)(); // undefined

var a = {};
a.b === undefined; // true
undefined = 42;
a.b === undefined; // false

JavaScript sucks

I'm done

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

JavaScript sucks

  • var is stupid
  • == is broken
  • OOP is awkward
  • implicit globals are dangerous
  • semicolons and braces are unnecessary
  • strings and lists are difficult


A little language that compiles into JavaScript


1 == true   # false

foo?.bar?() # `foo` and `bar` may not exist

[k,v] for k,v of { x:1, y:2, z:3 } # [["x", 1], ["y", 2], ["z", 3]]

times_two = (xs) -> 2*x for x in xs
doubles   = times_two [1..5] # [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
1 < doubles[0] < 3           # true

[x, y] = [1, 2] # x = 1; y = 2
{pow}  = Math   # pow = Math.pow

good_enough = "#{ 22 / 7 } is a decent approximation of π" # string interpolation

StuffHandler = (stuff) ->
    @stuff = stuff # //this.stuff = stuff;
    $("#stuff").click (event) => @stuff.doSomething event


Array::head = -> @[0]
Array::tail = -> @[1..]

map = (f, xs) ->
    f x for x in xs

zip = (xs, ys) ->
    [xs[i], ys[i]] for i in [0...Math.min xs.length, ys.length]

fold1 = (f, xs) ->
    fold f, xs.tail(), xs.head()

fold = (f, xs, acc) ->
    if xs.length > 0
        fold f, xs.tail(), (f xs.head(), acc)
    else acc


class Mascot
    constructor: (@icon) ->
        @icon or= "img/default.png"
    draw: (x=0, y=0) ->
        drawPNG @icon, x, y

class Roboto extends Mascot
    constructor: ->
        super "img/roboto.jpg"
    draw: (x=0, y=0) ->
        drawJPG @icon, x, y


partial = (f, args1...) -> (args2...) ->
    f.apply @, args1.concat args2
partial$ = (f, args) ->
    partial.apply @, [f].concat args

sum     = do -> partial fold1, ((x,y) -> x+y)
product = do -> partial fold1, ((x,y) -> x*y)

factorial = (n) -> product [1..n]


curry = (n, f, args...) ->
    curry$ (n - args.length), (partial$ f, args)
curry$ = (n, f, args...) ->
    if n > args.length
        partial curry$, (n - args.length), (partial$ f, args)
    else f.apply @, args

Function::curry = (args...) ->
    curry.apply @, [@length, @].concat args

Math.pow.curry()(2)(5)                       # 32
Math.pow.curry()(2, 5)                       # 32
Math.pow.curry(2, 5) == Math.pow.curry(2)(5) # 32

multiply  = (x, y) -> x*y
times_two = (xs)   -> xs.map multiply.curry(2)


is not your only option

AltJS - list of languages that compile to JS

Don't like CS? Need more language features?

Choose another altjs language!

  • ClojureScript by the Clojure team. Clojure (a JVM lisp) to JS compiler.
  • Dart by Google. Class based and object oriented with a C or Java-like syntax.
  • TypeScript by Microsoft. Superset of JS with compile-time type support.


distributed version control


yourself a better workflow

Git branch diagram


yourself a better workflow

You should know how to:

  • $ git add -p

  • $ git stash

  • $ git rebase -i

  • $ git merge


yourself a better workflow

oh-my-zsh plugins git and git-extras

  • Automatic aliases - $ alias | grep 'git'

  • Additional awesomeness:
  • $ git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium
  • $ git delete-submodule # Doing it yourself is messy.
  • $ git delete-branch # Local and remote
  • $ git undo # Undo last commit.


modern workflow for modern apps



Scaffolding for new projects.



Build from source; the equivilant of a Makefile.


  • compile
  • uglify
  • livereload
  • some sort of shell command
  • TJ hates them :(



Frontend dependency manager.

The browser

Dev tools

Chrome and Firefox:
Almost better at debugging than your fancy IDE

  • Change stuff
  • Console
  • All sorts of good stuff
  • Firefox has improved

Thanks :)
